Friday, March 21, 2008

Laury Scott Wolfley - Child Molesting Attorney GUILTY

A man who made his living practicing the law
is now feeling the consequences of justice.

Late January, Laury Scott Wolfley pleaded guilty to molesting a 13-year-old, male relative.

Friday morning at the Bonneville County Courthouse, he was sentenced to serve 12 years of probation and six months in the county jail. He will be able to use the work release program for treatment or to find a job.

Wolfley was a practicing attorney mainly out of Colorado. In court, he told the family of the victim that if he could change what happened, he would. He also said he was supposed to be the adult and that he hated himself.

The victim's family stated they are devastated and the family has been pulled apart because of what happened.

In the end, the judge said Wolfley has shown great remorse and feels he is not a risk to the community.


boyd said...

How can a man who was originally facing two charges each with a possible life sentence end up with a 6 month jail sentence. This is a man who practiced law,he knew right from wrong. He pryed on the vulerable in our society. He will be on the streets in 6 short months to find other victims and possibly the same victim again.

I believe this man has done this for years and has left a devistating WAKE in his path. Two young men closely associated with him took their own lives.

Nice Job Idaho. This young man's life is forever changed and you did nothing to protect him from this man!!!

Greg / Nancy said...

Boyd doesn't know what he is talking about. He either doesn't know Scott or has an ax to grind for some other reason. In fact "Boyd" is probably a name used because whoever wrote this garbage is ashamed to use his/her real name. Scott made a mistake and has already paid for it with his profession, his job, his income and his reputation.
I have noticed that people who are so self-righteous and compelled to lie about others in such a viscous mannor frequently are guilty of the thing they rail against. Come clean Boyd, exactly what is your problem and what are what are you guilty of?

Stitches77 said...

"Scott made a mistake and has already paid for it with his profession, his job, his income and his reputation."

Is that what YOU deem an adequate punishment for what he did? Or do you think he shouldn't have any punishment at all?

Cut the crap, you're in denial and you're blame gaming.

"I have noticed that people who are so self-righteous and compelled to lie about others in such a viscous mannor frequently are guilty"

Blah blah blah. He confessed. Go suck on that awhile, no one gives a shit what you think. Except boy rapers of course.