Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Honoring molesters gives children wrong message

Mental-health professionals and law enforcement officials know how difficult it is for a child or young person to tell any other person that they are being sexually abused by an adult, whether the abuser be a priest, teacher, coach, parent or neighbor. The child may not even fully understand what is happening to them, only that it feels wrong and dirty.

When the child sees that the people he or she loves and respects are in some way honoring, praising or defending a known child molester (possibly the same person who is abusing the child), it becomes almost impossible for the child to feel safe enough to know that they will be believed if and when they report that they have been or are being abused.

If we as a community truly want children or even adults who were abused as children to report their abuse, then bishops, priests and civic leaders must stop honoring those accused of abuse as well as those who covered up abuse.

Nobody who has abused a child deserves any accolades or honors. In fact, they should be stripped of their honors. Frankly, children would expect concerned, compassionate clerics and other adults to lead the charge in this regard.

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